Accidents can happen at any time, so make sure that you are adequately covered, should unforeseen accidents happen to you. This Insurance products are designed specifically with you and your PA cover in mind. Providing you with unrivaled financial protection if your circumstances result in bodily injury, disability or death due to unforeseen accidents.

Personal Accident Insurance Coverage

1. Accidental Death Or Permanent Disablement – Pays up to the sum insured in the event of death or permanent disablement due to an accident.

2. Unprovoked Murder & Assault – Pays for 50% of the sum insured for accidental bodily injury or death sustained as a direct result of the insured being a victim of Unprovoked Murder or Assault

3. Medical Reimbursement – Pays for medical expenses incurred to accidental bodily injury.

4. Burial Assistance – Pays for the funeral expenses incurred following an accidental death or a natural death.

5. Family income assistance – Supplements the monthly income of the family for 12 months in the event of death of the principal insured arising out of an accident.

6. Child Educational Aid – Each eligible child receives an educational aid in the event of death of the principal insured.

7. Hospitalization Daily Allowance – Pays the daily income benefit for a maximum of 30 days when insured is confined in a hospital due to accident or sickness.

8. Personal & Family Liability – Indemnifies for bodily injury or property damage to third party as a result of negligence that the Principal Insured and Family members become legally liable.